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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Yes, issues I had are in previous reply

I did for a short amount of time. sadly the gpu didn’t quite get used and my cpu usage was insanely high.

Me when I make a Windows or Linux VM, First thing that steam does is ask for survey…

Turn off “Offer Tips and Tricks to finish setting up this device” ( At least for me that was permanent. Otherwise you might use something like O&O shut up 10, also the setting is per user )

Oh and that seems to be ltsc or an older win 10 build too! If you want the creeps get a normal win 11 home iso and try it out with a burner account… You might be surprised what they got in charge for you. (A lot of ads and tracking with up selling, tho I don’t know how much Home edition costs, pro costs like 130€ or so and has the same crap built in but the ability to make an offline account(they still ask you to “upgrade” to online))