• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


you could encrypt onedrive with cryptomator

The -F fsr didn’t work for me, but the resolutions that are between 1080 and 1440, and 1440 and 2160 are fsr upscaled from what I understand, so that worked for me.

Thanks for recommending gamescope. I was trying so hard but it wasn’t working, turns out it was because I was using the flatpak version of steam and gamescope. When I installed the fedora steam (rpm-fusion) and gamescope, it worked without any issue.

I know that it is possible to run gamescope on flatpak steam, but it didn’t work for me.

4k FSR boosted my fps from 60 to 100 and it maybe looks even better, it blew my mind.

AMD VSR / NVIDIA DSR Alternative for Linux?
On windows when I had NVIDIA I used DSR to be able to select 1440p and 4k in game. Is there something similar where I can render games at higher resolutions and downscale to native? I have an AMD card rx 6700 xt and I'm using Sway (wayland).

From what I understand, wayland is better than x11 for privacy bc of the use of portals (the way apps communicate with the system), and flatpak over distro packages for sandboxing (you can also change the permissions yourself with flatseal).

don’t forget if you have location enabled in your phone it tracks every single place you’ve been to

that’s weird. I just opened discord and deleted my phone number without any issues, just had to type password and 2fa and done. I did it in the android app btw.