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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


I think the closest is Google Pay, but i doubt it’s any better for privacy vs Paypal

yea i dont usually post in any random websites, but that makes sense. I guess i mostly meant what i said thinking it’s a waste to toss out something just because of tracking when there are so many other things they can track you with.

No worries, they can track you with every other tech you have instead

guessing it would mean that people wont be using the same username as they do on every other account. So if doodlebop69 can’t be traced from signal they could go to google and find the same doodlebop69 to grab their information from

ads, start menu becoming tied to internet searches ultimately slowing it down, performance decrease win11 vs win10, Bloatware, Xbox locking game folders, the new context menu… these are the ones i can quickly come up with

Update to add: The goddamn shortcuts, can’t just click and drag from desktop to start menu or taskbar, and vice versa anymore