oce 🐆

I try to contribute to things getting better, sometimes through polite rational skepticism.
Disagreeing with your comment does not mean I support the opposite side, I support rationality. Let’s discuss together to refine the solid arguments that make things better sustainably.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


I think this means you still have some identifier that allows to link those data to a single person. This is quite explicitly not considered anonymization by the gdpr.

Do you mean not aggregated? Do you mean aggregating different kinds of data, or do you mean grouping together the same data for a category?

I think in European law, for data to be anonymous, not only there should be no personal identifying information but also there should be no identifiers that allow to link non personal data together to trace the behavior of a single person. https://www.edps.europa.eu/system/files/2021-04/21-04-27_aepd-edps_anonymisation_en_5.pdf

I don’t understand your point. The problem is not the constitution blocking the change, the problem is that to change the constitution you generally need a much larger majority that is often not achieved when a freedom is not yet widely accepted by the population. So this would block some socially progressive laws too.

Some social progress such as death penalty abolition or gay marriage often pass with short majorities, and constitutional changes usually require exceptionally large majorities.

They could make it mandatory to store Californians’ personal data in California. I think that’s what EU requires? Then they can threaten them with closing their business in California if they don’t comply.

It would work for 95% of browser users, who will not know that they can use a fork of Firefox because they have no idea what that means.

For real, so many free calories to harvest.