Lemmy maintainer

  • 1 Post
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jan 17, 2020


It should be very easy to distinguish edits and deletes which were made within a few minutes or hours after writing a comment, from those made months or years later right around the reddit blackout.

That paper is eight years old and yet there has been no major hack of the Telegram protocol.

Signal is based in the United States, enjoy having CIA and NSA reading all your messages.

Telegram isn’t perfect, but it is infinitely better than Whatsapp because it doesn’t belong to Facebook, and also isn’t from the United States. Also it can be used by normies without problem, unlike Matrix or Xmpp or what have you.

FYI your videos here are getting a lot of reports saying they are spam.

This is true, but there are two exceptions: admins have a purge action which permanently deletes content. And like others already said, when you delete your account everything that you posted is permanently deleted.

If you disable the VPN then my previous argument doesnt apply. It would probably be more secure than normal Firefox, assuming you trust the developers.

A VPN operator can intercept all the traffic by design. TOR avoids that by going over multiple hops, but this browser doesnt use TOR.

So you can give some Swedish company access to all your web traffic. Great idea if you hate privacy. At least Tor can get some money this way.

The problem is that you as average user have no way to confirm that the app on your phone is actually compiled from the published source code. In that regard it would help if Signal was distributed through F-Droid, which compiles directly from source, but the Signal developers have explicitly forbidden that.

The problem with Signal is that its from the United States, which means the have to follow the orders of CIA and other agencies. Telegram doesn’t have that problem.