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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 26, 2022


Codeberg is the forgejo software i just forget how to spell forgejo and i like the name codeberg way more

They should really self host their own codeberg instance

EDIT: looks like they do now! https://git.suyu.dev/suyu/suyu

Still sucks you will need a phone number to use it though. Hopefully they adopt meshnet type technology similar to https://berty.tech so people can communicate even when the internet is shut off across all platforms with end to end encryption

Is that publicly facing information or just information given to the websites?

Apps like tiktok/instagram etc should have a built it face blur/censor that can automatically face track every face and you can select to unblur your face. They should have this on by default

No, the others are people who support their OpenCollective. They put the links there basically to say “these people support me, you can too”

The coder of Hover Zoom+ publishes all the offers he gets to sell his users data. Here’s an offer that mentions their partnership with Dark Reader:


We’d love to have redacted sponsor Hover Zoom+ in a similar manner to how we’re partnering with Dark Reader. See attached for how that partnership has come to life, but we’re honestly super flexible on implementation. We’d essentially love to pay you in exchange for helping us drive users to redacted.


Based on this it seems like Dark Reader has sold out to some type of partnership of some kind. If they did agree to start selling users data without informing their users would they even publish this code on their github? They could easily publish code that didn’t include the code in the extension to track their users.

Im going to try emailing them and I think I’ll be looking for an alternative

Edit: I went to their website to find an email to contact them and wow. I know they want people to download their app but this is excessive I cant dismiss this giant button to download the app and when I accidentally clicked it, it became wayy bigger and doesn’t hide

Edit 2: they replied

I’ve never heard about Hover Zoom. At the moment we only partner with Honey and DuckDuckGo, you can see their banners and install their products. We don’t collect any data. Best Regards, Redacted

Follow up email:

The dates reflect with Toucan, again, we had installation links to their app. Last year their product was shut down. Some time ago it was acquired by a bigger company.

I then asked mentioned your concern about the extension periodically phoning home and they replied:

The extension periodically checks if there are new blog posts on the website and displays the latest news in the News section https://darkreader.org/blog/ Best, Redacted

Seems alright imo

Edit 3: I’m actually confused by the email because it states their only partnered with Honey and Duckduckgo but they also have Adblockplus, icon8, Vpnwelt, and instinctools in their sponsored section?

Edit 4: I asked why there were more links in the sponsored section than Honey and Duckduckgo and they replied

It depends on your business structure. You need an agreement for advertising services, or some invoices, and pay taxes from your revenue. Open Collective acts as an intermediate, we don’t have agreements with those sponsors or any invoices, just decided to put their links on our website to attract more sponsors.

Seems a little odd but overall understandable.

Wow that’s awesome hopefully they open source it and make it easy for anyone to use

You don’t have to share your phone number with people to use telegram with them though.

Wow I didn’t know it was sold. Just exported my backup from it and gonna search for a new one.

Yeah but if you go to protonmail.com it redirects you to proton.me and they also have the @proton.me domains be the default on sign up which means like 90% of users will be making proton.me email addresses

Its a small issue but it really irks me because otherwise its a great service/company with really well designed apps and websites. I just feel they diminished their brand so much with this. What company ever uses a .me domain? Especially when they have a really nice .com

Heres hoping the malaysian car (insurance?) company changes their name and decides to sell the proton.com domain to them lol

It really saddens me they changed their domain to proton.me it looks so wildly unprofessional and spammy while protonmail.com looked professional and even futuristic/scientific. Such a bizarre decision especially since everything else they do is so great