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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


Or being unable to install third-party apps or other browser engines is supposed to be for security reasons. Or being environment friendly through their recycling program when the truth is that they only do that to keep spare parts out of reach of independent repair shops. Pure gaslighting.

As long as that applies to all browsers equally. I don’t know the current state of things but if I remember correctly, Firefox already circumvented the earlier default protection method, because Microsoft made it so that their own Edge browser didn’t require those extra steps that were forced upon all other browsers.

Looks to me like desktop usage is on a downward trend in general, meaning it’s probably more of an increase in casual Windows users leaving the desktop space entirely, relying purely on mobile systems.

Pro: My two biggest annoyances when using Wayland got fixed, which were no color temperature adjustments (Night light) and no G-Sync.

Con: Games now display frames out of order, making them unplayable.

Exactly. Some people here seem to be completely detached from reality if they honestly think that this isn’t just some weird bug and these tests being an indicator of one OS being better than the other.

Sure there are some aspects where one OS’s philosophy has some performance gains over the other when doing very specific tasks, mostly when it comes to file access or creating processes. A 30% difference is just way too much, particularly for a game, where those differences shouldn’t matter as much.

Currently none, because I’m using the forbidden combination of Nvidia GPU + multiple monitors.

Thankfully most of the games I play are lightweight and can run at a constant 120FPS, but for any demanding game it’s back to Windows.

On Android, I’d recommend looking into Keepass2Android. I don’t necessarily guarantee that it’ll solve your issues, but it has lots of options and is fully compatible. At the very least, it always offer autofill for me, even when locked and there’s various methods of Quick-Unlock.

As for your general problem of having all entries unlocked, that’s just a necessary trait of local password managers. I don’t really see it as a problem though, since I don’t really see a situation where an attacker would only have access to my unlocked passwords, but not also my master password, rendering selective unlocking of entries pointless anyway.

I’d also consider getting a hardware key (YubiKey) and use that in combination with a short password for your password. Both KeePassXC and Keepass2Android support them. More secure and much more comfortable than your current solution.

Looks like this game might keep the DXVK/Proton/Driver devs awake for quite some time. So many new techniques crammed into a single game that’s also quite demanding on all components once you go above medium settings.

Switching to Firefox is always a good start.

That said, using Occam’s Razor, this is probably just the algorithm pushing submarine videos in general due to that other submarine accident (OceanGate/Titan) a few weeks ago, plus a bit of confirmation bias.

PS: I almost forgot that Oxenfree II was out now. I should play that.