Software Engineer & DevOps Architect. Mbin contributor (and creator of the fork).

He/him 🇳🇱

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


nowadays there is also malware that actually infect the firmware. Meaning just wiping the content isn’t good enough anymore. Same is true for BIOS worms/infections.

(what did you say? I can’t read or ty.e mani 93

yea microwave all your sticks in your house at full power for 15 minutes.

My bad. I was almost injecting another worm.

Try C-band UV Lamp instead.

Try to clean your USB stick. Remove the worm and maybe use a cloth to remove the dirt.

Spoiler: Governments will also follow you across the whole web, not just porn.

@vintprox Ps. I’m also testing FreeTube using my exported list of subscriptions (following, since I’m more looking for a good solution on my desktop PC.

@kby I can’t agree more… I now also try FreeTube. But sure we should also all move to PeerTube.

@vintprox You’re 100% right. We need to move away from it. Eventually maybe PeerTube? Sure, Grayjay is a good combination of all! But I hope content creators also move away from youtube.

@mateomaui so what did I just installed? I went for the “Revanced Youtube Extended” I guess.

@mateomaui This was in Firefox on my desktop machine. I don’t have iOS but under Android I installed ReVananced works great! (it also needs microG:

@nobloat then it’s most likely only a US & EU thing. Good to know, I can fake my origin.

I saw today the infamous pop-up of YouTube again that they will block the video player after 2 more
I saw today the infamous pop-up of YouTube again that they will block the video player after 2 more videos if I keep using uBlock Origin. \*\* Google.

I fully agree with you ;) … Although a lot of animals are curious as well. But I mean it’s one of the weakest links in terms of security. The human is the weakest link.

The Curiosity of the human mind is the weakest link.

The Curiosity of the human mind is the weakest link.

I don’t think we should allow those drones in the first place to be honest. The west is becoming more and more like China.