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Joined 1M ago
Cake day: May 24, 2024


That might be it. Whatever the reason, it seems like a missed opportunity. Especially when they go out of their way to provide direct APKs to Android users who do not use Play Store.

Thanks for the detailed reply. Just to clarify, I’m asking if the Windows 11 system itself, without my intervention, can access the encrypted Linux portio on its own. Something like a system scan.

Can Windows 11 access an encrypted Linux portion on a separate SSD?
Hello, Suppose you have a PC with 2 separate SSDs. One is an install of Windows 11. The other is an install of a Linux distro, encrypted at time of installation (for example, with LUKS). Obviously you would only boot into one or the other at a time. So a dual-boot, but each boot portion is on its own SSD (not sure if this matters, but its a relevant scenario). Can the Windows 11 portion somehow get through the Linux encryption and access / read data on the Linux portion? Sorry if this is a stupid or obvious question.