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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


I know, sorry… Can’t help but be honest about these things.

It’s fine… it’s not your responsibility to come up with answers to these things.

But we’re going to have to find ways if we don’t want our children and grandchildren growing up in bombed-out open-air prisons as well.

Okay… that’s a pretty bleak picture.

Sooo… how do we beat AI surveillance?

It’s just like the Cold War, folks… the propaganda is flying both ways - and neither side has to resort to too much lying.

Junior, I’m old enough to remember when people could afford houses on a single income.

For someone that purports to not be “pro capitalism, pro musk, or pro billionaires” you sure do seem pretty gullible when it comes to the bullcrap they piss out out to justify their parasitism.

Yeah, hold on… let me compare the costs of enriching a billionaire parasite piggybacking off publicly-funded programs that developed all the technology said billionaire parasite is piggybacking off with said publicly-funded programs.

No, Clyde, it was cheaper - because we actually got results other than merely enriching a billionaire parasite.

Your brain has been so addled with “free market” fairy tales that you might just as well believe a glass slipper will magically turn you into royalty. There is absolutely nothing parasites like Musk can do that we couldn’t do far, far better, much more efficiently and far cheaper through public means - and that’s it.

No, the entire space exploration attempt was much cheaper half a century ago - neither the US nor Soviet space programs wasted labor or resources enriching billionaire parasites. There is absolutely nothing that can be performed by parasites such as Musk or Bezos that cannot be done far better, more efficiently and more effectively through public means.

Yeah… that’s not how accelerationsim works. Accelerationsim would require our active participation in order to make things worse… but we don’t actually have the power to do so.

I have no idea what you are talking about because Lemmy, now all of a sudden, is refusing to show me context.

Whenever I hear someone unironically use the term “disrupted” I just know I’m going to be hearing some capitalist parasite being glorified for doing something expensive that a government did much cheaper half a century ago.

At least the new arrivals will have a fresh supply of meat - Mars is pretty cold, after all.

Musk is doing more to make people realize how garbage capitalism is than Marx ever could.

i can’t imagine anything worse in the world

I can… there are literally people who are willing to participate in Musk’s Mars colonization fantasies. They stand about as much chance of success (or survival) as those people who got imploded in that Titanic sub - except their deaths won’t be as quick and merciful.

The internet poses a threat to the status quo - my local library will never stock anything written by Emma Goldman or Noam Chomsky, but, thanks to the interent, this information is pretty much at my fingertips.

They don’t like that - it’s far too democratic for a status quo that wants to pretend it’s democratic while ensuring that we never understand the idea of democracy in any way that doesn’t keep them in power and in the money.

Imagine the good a powerful company like this could do

That’s not how capitalism works.


So they essentially pinky-swear not to use this in the way they are obviously intending to use it.