  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Recreate the crash and check the logs. Bottles should be writing logs, as well as the OS.

My guess is that Steam installs some extra dependencies which are also used by Bottles.

I’m not a Gentoo expert in the slightest, so I can’t really comment on how to find out what extras your package manager installs.

Confirmed, Starfield now works for me

Now just need to wait until it’s in the repo… Arch is usually pretty quick so possibly I’ll be testing this out later today.

EDIT: it’s available in nvidia-beta, installing!

Also just started donating as well to the project. I’m really excited to see the improvements over the next year

This game is a time machine. I open the game and find myself 3 hours in the future.

Play at your own risk.

Minecraft, Raft.

Core Keeper and Terraria have especially low requirements.

Make a backup first!!

But yeah should be otherwise copy-paste.

The exceptions are things like ENB mods, but textures/models/quest lines should all be fine.

I just tested on mine:

Right click game in steam, add shortcut to desktop double-click shortcut, game runs.

I checked the shortcut to see what the command is (right-click, properties):

steam steam://rungameid/648800

Is that what you have? The only thing I can think of is that steam isn’t in your path, ie when you double click the shortcut it tries to run ‘steam’ but then can’t find it.

If you open a terminal and type:

which steam

what’s your output? You should have something like /usr/bin/steam

It’s completely playable, and with the Tamriel Rebuilt mod, you get actually double the original!

New Steam UI sucks ass in a bad way?
Steam enshittified their client apparently, Anyone else having issues with it? I'm on Arch with Gnome. I find things don't work properly now, family view gets stuck, file browser doesn't load or takes AAAGES and is laggy as hell. Generally more laggy. I tried to find a way to roll back, but apparently there isn't. Just me?