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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 19, 2023


They never cared for privacy, it was all marketing. We should be equally suspicious of Proton and Tutanota.

Regardless if the guy is pro-Russia or not, banning masks in protests is very much an authoritarian move.

Oh I answered the wiremin asshole a bunch of times and they deleted their posts when I told how wiremin was suspicious as hell and shouldn’t be trusted.

this does not affect Google, Meta or any other Big Tech at all. This law was trying to break encryption or do some sort of client side scanning. And it didn’t got approved.

This does not force Google or Meta to encrypt your chats if they weren’t doing so. Or to remove their own backdoors in the encryption if they had them. It’s just a law that was not passed. So your comment does not make any sense.

PS: it’s not like Google or Meta care too much about encrypting the contents. They’ll happily take your metadata which is super valuable. This is what Meta does with WhatsApp.

that’s still only pseudonymity. with SearXNG or even with Duckduckgo, I can just open a new window of my browser with a different IP and be a completely different person. Hell, I can even use a different SearXNG instance and my search query won’t even go through the same server than before. With Kagi, that’s impossible. You must always be logged in your account. Every search you do, could be potentially linked to your account.