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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 19, 2024


Technically, yes. But the article already mentioned the amount of effort for the brute force to succeed (that is, practically never, if the phrase is truly random.)

But anyway. With regular passwords, the attackers already have a list: the alphabet plus numbers and symbols. Not really that different.

Oh yikes.

I got out of crypto stuff long ago. But I was so paranoid with losing wallet keys that I’d put them everywhere in chunks, like a medieval quartered body spread all over Scotland.

I didn’t downvote you, but I think you’re assuming waaaay too much about OP’s life circumstances. For al we know, he’s an Argentinian teenage girl with an allowance, or a Vietnamese retired fisherman with no life savings.

This was funny, but ugh - I hate when U.S. politics creeps into my tech discussions.

No, I use Firefox because it’s an excellent browser. It doesn’t fit GrapheneOS’s security requirements, but then, I’m not too concerned, because it’s quite secure regardless. Even to the point in which it’s more annoying than Chrome for certain things (like HTST.) You’re trying to paint Firefox as “easy to exploit” when that’s not true. Easier doesn’t mean easy. The Kremlin might be easier to sneak into than the Pentagon. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Hell, Tor uses it to build its Tor browser. They could very well use Chromium for that.

guess how much Linux has of a market share?

You’re probably referring to desktop Linux. Linux is used in billions of devices all over the world, and it reigns in the server space. So, no. Not “in the single digits” usage.

I’ve used Firefox mobile for a while now and I’ve had zero issues. The attack surface may be “much more,” but that doesn’t mean that it’s completely open to hackers.

Plus let’s be real: Gecko-based browsers are, what, 1% of the browser market? Guess which browser is the most targeted by malicious actors? Not the one having 1% of the market, that’s for sure.

I don’t understand. How does this bring you peace? Can you pay groceries with monero?

What’s NC? Got a link?

Edit: Ah, NextCloud, I’m assuming…

Which is okay. I was pointing out that it’s not true that “ppl just assumes that everyone has iphones.”