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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


It will create a default profile in your home (games/heroic/Prefixes) where everything will be installed, and if you have steam installed, it will detect the proton version of steam, and use it.

If some dependencies of the game are not installed, you’ll be able to run winetricks and install it in the profile of the game or to use steam runtime.

Using Windows-only games on Linux is getting better at an impressive rate those last years. There is more and more games working out of the box with steam or heroic. But yeah, sometimes, you just have to give up (or use Windows ).

Try the heroic game launcher. It usually works well. It let you log into gog, epic and prime account and games easily.

If the game doesn’t run well, try your luck on protondb to see if there is a way to fix it : https://www.protondb.com/app/22380

I’ve install the gog version of fallout 1 with the heroic game launcher, it worked out of the box. Maybe you’ll have some luck with new Vegas.

I don’t use a Nvidia card, nor play Starfield, but I’ve seen some videos explaining that Nvidia drivers 535 don’t work well with Starfield. People had to downgrad to 530 or 525 to have it work. I don’t know if nvidia released new drivers since, but if you have issues trying Starfield, you can keep an eye on that.

That’s the same list we see years after years… They didn’t even bother to add Nobara, which is probably, one of the few “gamer distro” that include that many useful patches for gaming…