• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


It’s not basically Firefox, it’s a fork with the settings already configured for privacy.

If he’s looking for a clean slate it’d be better to just make another profile rather than making containers.

My primary question is whether having a VPN set up on my router will interfere with the commercial VPN on the server.

No, it shouldn’t. It’s sort of a multihop, so you’d have pretty bad speeds, but if that doesn’t bother you then go ahead.

I’d like the pihole to be available outside of my LAN. I believe I can do so by setting up an OpenVPN configuration on my router.

What I would recommend is using a Pi or any computer and hosting a wireguard server on there. If you connect through wireguard (which is a faster and easier to deploy vpn protocol) and choose the local DNS, you will have access to the pihole. But, this is only a VPN straight to your home network, not masking IP or whatever else.

If you want to mask IP and use PiHole, I am not the person to consult since I just use NextDNS when off my home network.

Hope that helps.

I’m kind of confused as to what you’re asking on this post. Is it that you want pihole available to you whilst not being on LAN? Or that traffic isn’t routed through the VPN? Please clarify, and i’ll try to answer.

They’ve been here a while, just a very small company. Really the only times I’ve heard them were on blogs (originally where I found them) and on r/VPNTorrents a month or two back when they started to do port-forwarding. For me, I found it to be a solid service, but no longer use them due to the pricing.

It depends really. Pretty sure you can only forward a total of one port on each, so it’d have to be exclusively on NextCloud, and no torrenting.

Njalla also only has servers in sweden, so can also be a downside for you. AzireVPN is good, and I have personally used it, would recommend you buy a month to test it out and then commit if you like it.

did you need ipv6? I know a few which are good, but do not use ipv6

AzireVPN has pf and ipv6. I wouldnt recommend airvpn because you will not get full speeds, I get 450/1000 at most. edit: njalla has pf and ipv6 as well, totally forgot to mention it - though pf is through upnp, so torrenting only ig.

Drop the topics! Downvotes don’t really matter on Lemmy, it’s not a karma whoring platform.

I’ll keep eating my steaks, thank you very much 🥩

I’m using Firefox on Mac and it thought I was on windows. Still a big issue though.

Doubt they will. It’s used for way less illegal shit then .ml was. And, for most domain names, a .io is really fucking pricy (2x +)

If you think it went from honeypot to non-honeypot

I don’t think it was ever a honeypot, they contributed a lot to the early VPN communities, following both perfect-privacy and blackvpn.

VPN’s are for watching geoblocked movies and stuff like that. That’s about it.

I do not believe so, but to each their own.

Douglas Spink was arrested. He was then removed from the team, no longer having access to anything. Df has been the main guy for the past couple years - but that’s cryptostorm becoming a honeypot, in your opinion?

Doesn’t hurt to be overly paranoid, but this is to the extreme.

Quite the interesting arsenal of articles, quick translate and it’s pretty good so far. Thank you.

Je ne me situe pas en France pour le moment, donc la plupart des outils promu sont pas les meilleurs. Exemple, Framacart au-lieu de OSM ou organicmaps. Mais quand-même, merci pour ce site, très intéressant !

I really like it too. Not too sure about the up-to-date aspect, but very good information imo.

Hey the embed seems to be broken. Should probably add “https://” before the website. On another note, I do use them from time to time, forgot to mention it.

What are your favorite resources (guides, studies, etc) to learn about privacy?
Hey all, hoping we can share some of our favorite privacy resources. I do not believe this has been talked about on Lemmy, so it will serve as a good thread to get diverse takes on privacy, and how to accomplish the mentioned. Personally, I liked reading and using these: - [The Hitchhiker's Guide to Online Anonimity](https://anonymousplanet.org) - [EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense](https://ssd.eff.org) - [Michael Bazzel's Guide to Extreme Privacy](https://inteltechniques.com/book7.html) Looking forward to the contributions!

Very valid. Hope you find a good alternative, as I understand that ass support is very frustrating to deal with.

Weird. Support was top tier when I had issues. I also own a business account for 30-35 people, and the issues we get are easily resolved by Tutanota. You most likely got a bad rep.

Support team is amazing too, got billed 13 times a while ago and they quickly refunded it + gave me an extra 3 years for free.

Very interesting, might try this one too before I spend money on something else. And don’t worry, I already have a good email provider.

Stuck between this (anonaddy) and Simplelogin. Both are incredible, just that one’s cheaper than the other with a bit less features. Thanks for the input man, appreciate it.

ELI5: These services are middlemen to your own email. Service --> @anonaddy.com email --> my mailbox

Not ELI5: These are way more anonymous than your own domain since multiple people use the domain. It takes a bit of trust to allow a 3rd party to see your emails, and that is why I will not be using them for anything important - not to mention if they disappear, all access to those emails are gone. This is simply to anonymize who knows what, I would personally use a custom domain with my provider for more important matters.

Your method also works, just that it is only you using the domain, allowing people to identify you.

Hope this helps, cheers.

Yeah I knew about it but do not really trust apple with this stuff. Anonymity would definitely be a lot better since millions upon millions use @icloud.com, but I would prefer to not use apple. Thank you though!

Thanks for the input, only thing holding me back is the pricing…

Seems like a good usecase, and probably something I’d need to use. Thank you for the information man.

Totally forgot about Lockwise, but I feel the way they ‘killed’ it was super easy to transition from. Though, if they do decide to do this for emails it will be quite the issue. Only reason I’m hesitant on SimpleLogin is because of their pricier plans. Thanks mate.

Any nitpicks with it at all? Their price is the most seducing part for me (not in a weird way lol), but I’m still a tad bit paranoid about the Amazon affiliation.

Centralization isn’t much of an issue for what I’m looking for since most of this will be linked to no “real” identity. The paid features of both services (custom domain, replying via alias, more aliases) are something that I do need, so free plans are off the table for me. I do agree on you with the Anonaddy UI part, it’s far more pleasing to my eyes than simplelogin at the moment.

Thank you!

That’s nice, will look into them. Thank you mate.

Unfortunately do not use proton, but general consensus about compatibility works just fine without proton. Subdomains, to me, seem like a super easy way to identify someone - I’m going to be the only person using “abc.simplelogin.com”, basically the same as if I was using my real email.

Currently, since no one is talking about Firefox Relay, I’m between either Anonaddy or Simplelogin. They seem pretty similar according to the couple comments here.

Thank you for the feedback!

Didn’t know duckduckgo had one, super interesting. How much is it /month?

Help me choose an email aliasing/forwarding service!
Edit 2: For anyone finding this in the future, I chose Simplelogin simply (pun intended) because I was eligible for a 50% off coupon. If I couldnt have gotten that, I would instead use Firefox's Relay because it's super cheap and you support Mozilla in the process. People seem to forget that if Mozilla goes bankrupt and can no longer develop Firefox and fight for the current free and open web, we would no longer be able to use the internet as it is, and would lose practically all privacy. Pros and cons still stand, hope this helps you (or anyone else in the future / present) to understand what option to chose, and what my choice was in the end. Edit: I'm testing between Firefox Relay and Simplelogin as of now. Thank you all for the help, appreciate it! Hey all, sorry if this was posted before, but lemmy search is hot dogshit at the moment, so I cannot really find anything relating to this topic. Recently, I have been upgrading my email privacy bit by bit, and am in need of an email aliasing service / forwarding service. I have been looking online for a couple options and I'm currently down to 3 : - Anonaddy - Simplelogin - Firefox Relay Now, the main things I wish to know about each are, in your opinion, their pros and cons for a person with a pretty moderate-high threat model. Currently, these are the pros and cons that I have found : - ##### Anonaddy (Lite Plan) - **Pros** - Cheap at $1/m (billed yearly) - Can use Custom Domains (catchall, wildcard, etc) - Stores failed deliveries (could be important if my mailbox is full or something) - Open-source - **Cons** - Only 50 aliases using shared domains (custom subdomain are easily identifiable) - Owned by 1 or 2 guys, so not guaranteed to last as long as a company would per se. Doesn't matter much if I use a custom domain. - ##### Simplelogin - **Pros** - Unlimited aliases using shared domains - Can use Custom Domains - Owned by Proton (this is a pro in the sense of a guarantee that it will last a good bit of time) - Open Source - **Cons** - Pricier at $2.5/m (billed yearly) - I do not use proton, so compatibility *could* be a downside. - ##### Firefox Relay - **Pros** - Cheap at $1/m (billed yearly) - Unlimited aliases using shared domain - Owned by Mozilla (more than likely will last longer than Proton) - **Cons** - They use Amazon SES/AWS, though they have contract to protect customer information - No Custom Domains I am currently leaning towards either Relay or Anonaddy because of their 2.5x cheaper price (which does add up $12/y vs $30/y), but am very curious as to which you prefer and **why**. I will not be using these services for anything important (bank, govt, insurance, etc) as those go through a custom domain strictly for those. Junk, random accounts which aren't important, newsletters, ... will go through the aliasing service. Thank you in advance, if something wasn't clear let me know.

thats not really using crypto… it’s more like indirect crypto usage. You can also just buy giftcards with cash… fail to see your point…

I’ve made a comment about NASs a while ago explaining mostly the important parts of it (https://lemmy.ca/comment/1524030), but to answer your questions :

Can you create a NAS with any modem or is the fritzbox particularly good for this job?

I would not recommend using a router/modem as your nas server because there are better ways to do this. Simplest way would be to get a small computer (like a raspberry pi, thinkcenter, etc) and attack external harddrives. Then, next step would be to choose how you want to share and use the storage; I mostly recommend NextCloud for beginners/intermediates, super easy to setup and start using out of the box.

For you I would recommend following my comment. Once you’re comfortable with wanting to make your own NAS, then I would recommend you to look into hardware and start planning out a build. If it is too expensive, look towards small, mini computers like rpi, thinkcenter, librecomputer, etc. and then slowly expand from there.

Yes, making a NAS is expensive at the start, if you do decide to make one with all brand new gear, but it is worth it for your privacy imo. The trip is long, sometimes annoying as fuck, but the end-result is infinitely better.

If you have questions let me know!

It’s been 3 years and no one has done a thing about this, people who’ve stayed on reddit simply do not care about their privacy.