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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Dunno! I haven’t been to Twitter since Elon bought it and activated our scorched-earth protocols. Twitter hasn’t been accessible on any device in our network since then.

Crypto is just as insecure as credit cards. The whole point of the blockchain is that everyone can see all transactions.

I work in this industry and I can confirm that there’s fucking nothing ensuring the privacy of these transactions. Tens of thousands of people have full access to everyone’s credit card history, and that’s not counting unauthorized access and card skimmers.

Florisboard on f-droid is pretty ok.

Keeping new versions of Windows secure is a fool’s errand. Sure you can uninstall the bloatware, disable the telemetry, etc., but there’s nothing to keep Windows from using an update to put it right back on.

If you want your Ma’ to not have to worry about any of that, then it’s time to switch to Linux. Mint is a good variety for people coming from Windows.