
Biology, gaming handhelds, meditation and copious amounts of caffeine.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I’d rather walk into my local library and ask my librarian for a prompt, then spend 3 hours searching an old encyclopedia for the answer, than ever resolving a domain owned by Brave. Thanks.

Brazil did that. We have a new set of laws called LGPD that allows users to revoke the consent whenever they want - all data ever collected or provided to a service must be deleted. Not turned anonymous, not shared with Facebook, not “under the ToS it’s ours” - deleted.

When I migrated to Lemmy, I left my Reddit account intact - just stopped using it. It included lots of tutorials, guides for things like buying a PlayStation Vita OLED panel, recorded Reddit Talks from the subreddits I moderated, the only source for certain bug fixes, and so on.

When Reddit started pretending this data belongs to them, and selling it to AI models, I replaced everything with gibberish and removed the comments. They restored a few, specially when they showed up on Google, so then I replaced them again, deleted everything, and deleted the account.

Not using a browser extension but loading JavaScript isn’t limiting your attack surface

Yes, which is why that can’t be used as an argument against one specific tool.

But by that logic, absolutely everything other than standing still in a fethal position in a dark cave is a cyber security risk.

Are you using an extremely solid version of Linux? Wellllll, sometimes bad actors can push bad code to open source projects! It’s a risk!

I was (happily!) wrong. See reply below.

They’re new, yes. Though the folks at Proton already confirmed they’ll provide no workaround to support it, Nvidia needs to build the Linux drivers with official support. We don’t know if they’ll do that and when.

More precisely, DLSS is a set of models that use AI to interpolate an image. This interpolation can take many different forms:

Interpolation can be used to take a lower resolution image and upscale it, which is the main feature of DLSS.

You can also use DLSS to take a high resolution image and scale it down, with less artifacts, as a type of antialiasing. This is DLDSR.

You can also use it to take information from an image, combined with motion data, and interpolate how blocks of pixels might change into a new frame. This allows you to generate intermediary frames. This is Frame Generation.

You can also take a very noisy image, composed of discrete dots, and interpolate how neighboring pixels should look. This is Ray Reconstruction.

DLSS works. It took a while longer than Windows, but Nvidia themselves actually provide Wine-compatible DLL files. Also, there’s a native way to implement DLSS for Linux which, I kid you not, zero games so far are using. The Windows version works fine though.

But DLSS Frame Generation and Ray Reconstruction do not work, and there are zero workarounds.

Too bad on Linux you can’t use frame generation and DLSS ray reconstruction.

After trying this specific game with full path tracing and ray reconstruction, I don’t think I’ll ever see normal rasterization or ray tracing with the same eyes again.

I was looking at a decorative plastic table, one of these assets you’d simply ignore on any other game, under sunlight occluded by some smoke and Jesus… I was never this impressed with game graphics before, but I am now. I felt like I was playing a movie, not a game.

If you slap “privacy” in the marketing material you can sell a more expensive product, with less features, and communities such as this one will pay anyway.

So that’s why. It’s in their own benefit to make more products rather than improve existing ones.

Honestly, if the culture around modding the game develops around one specific modding tool and injector, it’s always a major headache for platforms like Linux.

If instead they follow the much better and modern approach of quite simply posting the mod and dependencies on Nexus Mods, modding on Linux is no different than Windows.

You’re correct in giving WINE the credit it’s due.

But I couldn’t disagree more with the “gaming with WINE was not that bad” statement.

It was horrible. Game updates broke compatibility a thousand times, outdated Wine wrappers were a mess, setting up most games involved convoluted scripts, and even when things magically just worked performance was usually lower (except for some specific CPU bound games).

On what device? Android, iOS and Windows have a Region option where you select your country, the browser and any apps can read this trivially.

Yeah, what’s wrong with the browser selling itself as a privacy tool intercepting and modifying the links I browse?

Honestly, I rest my case here.

They quite literally inserted affiliate codes in the URL of products while you browsed.

Can you really call it a conspiracy when they have a new privacy, user trust or otherwise shady issue every month?

Honestly it shocks me that people are surprised by this.

Any free product that also claims to be more privacy friendly is lying. In fact, if you want to farm the data of the group of people who are harder to track because they care about privacy… Launching a Chromium browser with a fancy skin and spending 80% of your money astroturfing online so “users” can “recommend” your “privacy friendly” browser everywhere is quite literally the best strategy.

ExpressVPN has been audited many times, and their servers are entirely based on RAM disks that get wiped as soon as your session ends. So I’d say they are a good choice, if you’re willing to pay.