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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Storing offline is great and all, but I hope everyone is storing on multiple disks at multiple locations…

Yer didn’t think so, I’m sure photos are being lost.

Exactly, both end points are blackboxes compromised by Facebook.

Closed app by data mining company, of course they get all the data they can.

Which one was that Passman or Nextcloud? I’ve run two instance of Nextcloud Password and one of Passman, for about the same time, with no issues.

Other people do seam to have issues running Nextcloud in general, but I’ve never had anything but PHP version stuff that is easier fixed. I love Nextcloud!

No love for Nextcloud Passwords or Passman? Both have plugins for Nextcloud and have Android Apps.

My e-Berlingo is very basic. It can’t get remote update, it has to go to the dealship for them. I don’t think it has a data connection. Claims to has some, but you can turn it off and I bet it’s only for dealership download when it’s in for repairs. It can’t even keep time. It loses like a minute a week (which is the worse time keeping I’ve ever seen and I’m getting to be old now). So not doing NTP!

I count it’s basicness as a feature not a bug. I just use Android Auto (originally on a de-googled LineageOS and now GrapheneOS with Google sandboxes. I use Organic Maps).

I’m on GrapheneOS now. I like the Sandboxing of Google. A compromise without feeling too compromised. The bank app runs too. Thanks for heads on GrapheneOS.

I’m on GrapheneOS now. I like the Sandboxing of Google. A compromise without feeling too compromised. The bank app runs too. Thanks for heads on GrapheneOS.

I needed to upgrade phone anyway. This one is over five years old and the camera and CPU seam rubbish now. The RAM is still enough, but screen is cracked too now and screen replace videos just look not worth the effort.

Update: Old phone on way out, Pixel coming for me to try this.

Good enough with some. Unfortantly with this bank, they use the app to auth access at all. And the app doesn’t like custom roms and I’ve not managed to fool it. Finally trying GraphineOS this week, when the Pixel arrives.

Update: This is the path I set for now. Have to replace old phone now anyway.

Update: I’m going to try a Pixel and GraphineOS first. I’m expecting very little flexibility and understanding from a bank.

Update to this: I did try that on my LineageOS and it still wouldn’t run. I’m getting a Pixel for GraphineOS. See how that goes.

Oh I found the open source Android Auto stuff for GNU/Linux. Though not use any of the GNU/Linux phones make use of it. It looks better to setup, and develop on, but I very much doubt it would make life easier. Not unless you can seamless run Android apps in a box and them not know.

Wait what? What’s that? I’ve not seen it!

I did for many years too. But I needed Android Auto for a new car. It kind of forced the issue and it wasn’t easy and I’m not happy how custom my install is now.

GrapheneOS does look interesting. Though the Android Auto, that I use as the car satnav (with OSMAnd+), looks like it might be even more a pain to setup…

I can’t get over what a techo-political dystopia is, without a lot of faff. We need some law here, forcing standardized open interfaces! (And copyright trolling DRM pushing dark forces will fight that, because of media playing)

It looks like another closed app “build on open source”. Not sure it’s much more trust worthy than WhatsApp anyway. Need to read up. I wonder if I’m better of exploring open alteratives also set up my own Matrix bridges that Beeper is built on anyway. Though I’ve not heard good things about maintaining Matrix bridges.

I hope the EU get through the forced interoperability of chat apps…

Even without any of the Google services installed? I don’t think that’s true. It doesn’t have my Google login.

Banks don’t always have a mobile friendly web interface. When you turn on desktop mode (Firefox on Android of course) the site may load but not be very useable. (Though sometimes that is more useable than a bad mobile site)

Oh my phone is old, but 6GB RAM is still ok. LineageOS gives me the latest Android on old hardware, while giving me an easy out of Google data mining.

OK, now that is very cool. It’s like Pidgin for 2023 and phones. I may well give that a try! May solve the messaging bit.

Boxing Android
So I've got Android as I want. LineageOS, no Google, Magisk, MicroG but with AndroidAuto with OsmAnd+. But the outside world of WhatsApp, Bank apps, etc is putting pressure to join. Plus not everything works properly with MicroG instead of the Google service provider. Makes me cross techno-politically, but I can't always hard life tech choices when it effects others. So, what do others do? At the moment, I've thinking I need a non-free phone and a free-phone! Then what, I keep swapping SIM?? I can't see a workable VM solution to run a non-free Android in a freer Android. The state of the phone market is pitiful.

To be honest, you don’t get a good or cheap EV out of that. Low kWh per mile and short range.

Of course. People been modding/building ICE vehicles forever. ICE are more dangerous.

In the end, that what we want. Open Source everything. Then everything can be repaired and learnt from.

They thing to do is buy the rights to old designs, then open source them and sell them. It pisses me off no end I can’t find system diagrams, schematics or source code to think I apparently “own”. It keeps everyone ignorant and throwing stuff away to keep buying new. And now, with all going online, turns everything to a privacy nightmare . When the manufacture moves on to the next shiny, it will become part of internet of infected things botnets.

Yes, but we need to fight them politically as it’s our money being wasted and they do cause some harms. One is, it keeps the population uninformed about what is with and against the grain of technology. But we also want them to not be trying to do wrong things, even if they are probably unworkable.

How is it not? If there is good proof, that’s interesting. Is the judge and jury able to rule well with that information? How does Google respond if found guilty? Proof, verdict, response, each has interest to privacy.

It’s a closed browser from a data mining company, of course it kept on mining the user. The “The user didn’t want this tracked” is probably juicy information to mark what they were looking at with.

This will be an interesting case.

If it’s Stock vs iOS, do you really care about privacy? Google is a data mining ad company, that’s why their stuff is free. “If you’re no paying for the product, you are the product”. So Apple right? LOL no. Paying is no protection against being sold too. It’s closed, you’re never know, so they might as well make more money from you.

The only way is having any confidence in things is open source.

So I don’t think iOS vs Stock matters. Android is more open, but all those root level closed Google services completely compromise the phone. They owned the phone.

I think there is elements of this. But I also think there is just plain ignorance.

We all need more politicians with a tech background. We need populations that better understand tech and vote better.

20y ago I used to hope tech ignorance would age out the population, but that’s not been happening. Most people don’t care to learn more. So politicians need to be less clueless and lead.

The moment that starts, they find a way of backing down.

This stuff is always to appeal to the clueless in their base.

Good talk about the law on encryption by a MP who was a software developer:


FPTP is inherently less stable that other voting systems. The more parties involved having to compromise, the more stable. Two parties ends up with red vs blue. Literally. And it’s terrible.

I think we in the UK will escape it before the US.

“Democ­ra­cy is the worst form of gov­ern­ment, except for all the oth­ers.”