I’m a male, 23 yo software developer. Admin of lemy.lol instance.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Cool! Thats what I wanted to hear coz I want to do the same :)

I don’t know much about immutable distros, but with a quick look, you’re probably right. It looks like Bazzite is based on Fedora atomic desktop.

I meant using BTRFS for system and ext4 for the game folder. Why you wouldn’t use BTRFS though?

BTRFS for Linux gaming?
I'm using EndeavourOS with ext4 file system for daily usage and a dual bootable Windows for gaming. What I want to have right now is getting rid of Windows completely. When I tried it before, I had to try multiple tweaks for a game and find which one worked on Linux. Therefore, I want to take a snapshot with BTRFS and try it until I find the right configuration. While I have quite a bit of experience with Linux, I've never used BTRFS. Do you think it's worth it? I thought about keeping the games on the ext4 system, but I hate splitting the disk. I'm thinking of keeping the games in a non-snapshot volume. UPDATE: I just re-installed EndeavourOS with BTRFS + snapper + BTRFS Assistant :)

EU wants to have all the data and also keep Facebook away from it :)

Ok good to hear that. From the title, I thought you found a privacy flaw in LineageOS 😀🙏

No Google services and no tracking is not enough for you?

WDYM I just downloaded Tor Browser from there and its working as expected. But interestingly it was Chromium based.

Thanks for the video, I’ll check it out.

I said “fiasco” because they did not share the backend server repo for a while and did not make any statement about it. Maybe a little overreaction than it should be. But for an app that promises privacy, it’s kinda annoying.

I’m not hating. I just like keeping my half encrypted data on my own server instead of fully encrypted on someone else’s server.

You’re right. Thats why I like Matrix more than Signal now.

Also I’m not looking for a security method to escape from a specific target. It’s all curiosity about general security.

So we need other security methods besides using Tor? Like what?

Sheesh, almost got you 😅

Hmm, maybe you’re right. But still its not like they didn’t released the source code for a year.

It’s simple. If you ask a cop if he’s a cop, he’s like, obligated to tell you. It’s in the Constitution.

breaking bad reference

What I meant with Signal fiasco is, they didn’t published server code for a year and the fact that they’re a US establishment. It’s not looking that bad but I’m not going to trust them anymore.

Wait, is the joke about me being CIA? Cause I’m not CIA 100%

How secure is Tor network?
For example, I downloaded Tor network and using it for illegal activities. Can my govt track me? Can US govt track me? I know it *encrypts* something but if I remember correct, FBI was able to find some Tor users before. Note: illegal activities was for example. I'm not going to do anything illegal. I'm just planning to serve my instance with a onion address.

Its not about money… I pay after using free version for a while. I’m paying Proton Mail and BitWarden for not having bullshit like this.

I’m not demanding anything. At my first comment, i said I disliked their service and don’t advice it.

Like I’m not saying they should add a feature. I’m saying I don’t recommend because they don’t have that feature.

I never seen Google removing accounts. Nor Proton Mail.

I don’t care about downvotes. If I claim an email address there and can’t use it after 6 months, that service is shit. What if I used that email in critical service I needed? At least remove mails but let me use the email. Right now it just like a paywalled blog article.

If free plan is not affordable for your service, just don’t let people to that plan.

They wanted to make me pay because I was inactive for like 6 months. I wouldn’t even consider Tutanota as an option.