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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2022


I got my ballot this Monday and half of the spots to be voted on had only one candidate… maybe remove that shit from the ballot and add things like…“would you like Toyota to know where you are when you send emails about your period?” That would be useful.

Double you fucking tee eff? Holybonkerslaw Batman! Now what? Can Motorola take pictures of me while I take a shower watching porn?..err, sending emails?

Our local druglord is offering drug protection for kids at schools! Yey! And at $5 bucks, their service is way cheaper than the war on drugs that the cops keep peddling!

Before I can get the kids to their first drug training, I gotta get the truck fixed, and what better way to do that than Joe? Joe may be the drunkest one eyed blind rheumatic paraplegic mute there is, but he’s kept all our cars running pretty good since that one time we accidentally ran him over. The car was making a noise and then it was just fine. Since then we go to Joe’s for regular maintenance. Well, it’s the alley behind Joe’s actually. It might not last, Joe seems to be getting slower and slower and much less talkative. Like the first time we ran him over, he was just blasting his mouth off. Last time he fixed my truck he wasn’t moving around as much and there were more flies around him than usual. Anyway, Joe is the way!

And don’t let Google trick you. They just want more of your data.

What is your favorite password manager?
I started digging into opensource password managers and found that they all suck major ball sack. I ended up picking nothing. My two runner-ups were bitwarden. It works on Linux, Android, whatever apple's shit runs on, and even runs on PC's with the OS that you usually delete first thing. But the major drawback is that I can't trust it. It's got a "premium" version, and that has always meant a slow steady spiral into "you must pay now that we have you by the balls" situation. Another drawback is that it's centralized, kill the company and so go your passwords I suppose. The other runner up is called liso. This one comes with two major drawbacks. One is that is browser only so far. The other one is that it doesn't work on Linux yet. Such a shit shit option. Everything else out there wants you to pay for encryption. I did end up learning about pass on Linux. It creates encrypted passwords and there's some compatibility with guis and maybe available on Android??? Big question mark. I've tried nothing yet. My password list seems to grow daily. So what's your favorite one?