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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 13, 2023


Nice work to everyone working on this! Good write up!

I want to see Linux dominate tf out of this. If I was going to buy one of the current handhelds it would be this and I would use it for everything… A main PC.

Ive used sunshine and moonlight as well as steam and steam link.

Both work good. I have an Nvidia card. Fwiw.

Damnit. I just made a similar comment about that.

Tony Hawks Halo Infinite is so much better than the regular version.

Not too but there’s tubesync. It’s a selfhosted gui type thing for yt-dl or whatever.

You can use a shotgun to hard jailbreak it.

Wait, so I just need to use one lan/wan? I was under the impression I had to have it kind of set up like a router by using the lan cable for network access and then the wan for devices to connect to… That’s not how it works?

I already have an omv nas on a different device I could use as well.

I have a spare pi4 I should set that up. Although it’s had issues with WiFi so idk I’ll be able to do it.