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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


Nostr isn’t a Lemmy alternative, it’s a Mastodon/Twitter/BlueSky substitute with more decentralized, secure and private features and i think OP should have pointed that out.

And since Op was comparing the secure and private features of both protocols, ActivityPub surely has improvements to implement for greater privacy and security.

how did you get a riseup vpn account?

this is the life i deserve, not the one i have

why are ppl scared of downvotes or being downvoted?

KeepassXC if you’re on Linux and KeepassDX on android, preferably on Fdroid.

I don’t think the source of their wealth even though they are a failed nation or that they perpetuate neo-imperialism and instability around the world to maintain the global north superiority is reported enough, or are those not negative enough?