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Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


If we judged citizens based on what their government does, I don’t think many of us would come out clean. As an American, I don’t want the whole world thinking that I agree with what the Feds are up to all the time. I recommend extending that same courtesy to people in countries who’s government you don’t like as well.

Considering the person spearheading this, it seems like the opposite might be the result.

I’d be fine with an isolated system. It would be nice to be able to store large amounts of data and do difficult calculations in my head. Those things don’t need Internet access.

A brain machine interface could also be used in cases like blindness or deafness to provide alternatives to those senses, so that would be a huge boon.

But I agree with the others, floss or beat it. And no direct Internet connection.