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  • 5 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 24, 2023


it’s a half done google in terms of functionality

“End to end encryption” who owns the keys?

Looking for an answer more detailed than just switch to pixel and use graphene or calyx. What are the recommended changes to use in the **Settings App** to make Apple more secure and private? Should I just use the **Safari** browser due to all the browsers being the same as they all use WebKit I'm looking for suggested changes to staying minimal but increasing privacy and security on iPhone

Surprisingly instagram groups now offer an “end to end encryption” feature

You can always use a privacy Frontend like Yattee, freetube or piped/invidious

where this tv is going, the individual doesn’t have network control

Some TV’s connect automatically to open networks to upload data

Best privacy tv’s? Or dumb none smart tvs?
cross-posted from: https://monero.town/post/431688 > Does anyone got any television recommendations for dumb tv's or other words none smart tv's? Or even a tv that is smart but the software is open sourced making it privacy friendly?

Briar is a network it uses tor as well

Just stick to signal, briar and matrix for now, this network still needs to stand the test of time