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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Would you like to be hit with a full or empty glass bottle?

If you really have to use it, web application would not be that agressive to ask for permissions and that’s it. You can use app like Shelter to isolate WhatsApp’s Android app so it would not have your contact and installed apps list.

Richard Stallman itself said GPLv3 is already covering everything, source:

Licence must be tested in the court to really know if it’s working. We first need to see if GPLv3 would fail in AI cases, if yes then we need new version.

Mostly on the client, as some apps does not implemented it yes because if lack of developing resources. Message encryption is something default and expected in Matrix

Matrix has encrypted messages, the point of the post is that Matrix does not protect metadata (who speak to who) enough like Signal.

and the fact that all conversations get duplicated on the primary Matrix servers is cause for concern.

True only if someone from is in the room.

At least they are trying to make a standard, everyone is sick how many apps are there.

WASM currently cannot check in what environment it is runned on. It is just like in the virtual machine, browser can lie to WASM program about the states of the surroundings.

This proposal is to disallow any browser versions not approved by Google. So the program loaded by the website is going to communicate with the browser, then OS, security chips in the device and Google’s servers to generate cryptographic proof that you run “geniue” approved browser.

Next time they should get rid of the URL bar leaving only Google Search bar and call it “protection against website sideloading”.

This is to disallow any modifications to the browser. So if the official Google browsers does not allow ad brokers, you cannot change it to allow it again.

Or if the browser would force specific DNS over HTTPS server, you cannot modify the browser to give you choice back in a way you could view that protected site.

You theoretically could write an alternative to Flash and run those apps. This Google idea is to disallow any modifications.

It’s be choice between technology dependence or financial dependence. And between BAT tokens crap and Mozilla Pocket