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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


Proton drive has windows and Android clients that work well. I’d love a Linux client for drive and for them to fix the photo upload issue on android, but eventually those things will come.

Seems the second group is a vocal minority. This feature helps the first group, but doesn’t help the second group.

According to Signal, the first group is the larger group and this helps the most users of Signal.

Could it be better? Sure. This is still a good step in terms of privacy, even though it doesn’t really improve anonymity.

While it is an electron app, it’s a pretty decent one. Because it’s not full of tracking and other crap it’s pretty responsive.

Their web and mobile apps are pretty good. Its definitely not as polished as gsuite or office, but it’s still good and you are the customer not the product.

Delayed start, but from your phone, via their totally-not-tracking-infested app. That’s why it needs wifi.

Not sure if I need the /s but here it is just to be sure.

That’s true, but once you trust a new device, there’s no reason the authority (your phone that has all history) couldn’t transfer the history over to the new client.

I get it would add some complexity, but it could be done in a secure and private way.

Article removed because it doesn’t meet their editorial standards.

Pidgin and Trillian were both fantastic stable solutions back then, and it’s be real fucking nice to have that today, but everyone’s got their hand out to steal your data and offer you free services for the trouble and they don’t want to share.