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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2024


In terms of privacy of course because in terms of price it’s another story

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Also none of the comments even bother addressing the actual question.

“grapheneOS trolls are downvoting every single post and comment of mine, and committing vote manipulation on Lemmy. They are using 5-6 accounts.”

Is that really criticism of graphene os? or is it complaining about specific users who like graphene os?

but part of me wishes there was a way to work towards getting bad drivers off of the roads.

More stringent requirements for drivers license? Actually punishing people for texting and driving?

Culturally you can help too. I personally lay on the horn when someone is texting and driving.

What if the account is compromised? Now the spammer is able to do their spams freely on the IP address.

It’s just a hell of a lot easier to black list the entire IP than to try to manually let in small percentage of people who use a VPN AND want to comment or whatever.

You can just make a new account and blam you’re free from the ban on your account. That’s why IP bans exist.

“Hang on let me write down my QR code”

Usernames exist for a reason, especially in chat apps. Not having usernames is only going to severely limit your target demographic. And if nobody uses your app does it’s benefits even matter?