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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 11, 2023


As a citizen of the world its because they are slavers and fuck slavery. One of the biggest lobbiest against fighting slavery too.

Having been friends and family IT though its because they suck. They suck to work on. They suck to devolop for. They suck to run server stuff on. They suck to game on. And they cost an arm and leg for the privilege.

Use a Foss client that blocks the client tracking aspects, tor to connect, and only post pgp encrypted messages on it?

Is narcissistic disorder a prereq to be a billionaire or is it just a common symptom of having too much wealth for some.

For sure, if you need paid support (which if you aren’t a tech giant, a fledgling startup, or a system with no need for uptime metrics, you probally do) the you have:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (aka SLES and only still Libre option in this category unfortunately)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • Ubuntu are

if don’t need paid support then Debian, OpenSuse, Rocky, or Fedora are all good picks.

Stopping low effort attempts to get data it seems good, as an addition too software encryption it seems great. Of course hardware can range from child toys, gimmicks, to serious hardened hardware, so results WILL vary.

Why are we making such huge steps backwards. Didn’t we get federated learned to reduce data collection like a decade ago?