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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


Thanks for your comment. I usually travel alone and was like “why would anyone subject themselves to AirBNB.” I appreciate the context and perspective.

I don’t know about evil, but my results have been filled with AI generated crap sites lately. I don’t know if others are doing any better filtering them out, but it is making me think to look elsewhere besides ddg

Why are the three Chrome derivatives missing features Chrome has? Is it a porting issue or are they just that far behind on pulling in upstream changes?

There’s literally a column on the chart for that.

It was made by an edgelord for edgelords.

CuckCuckGo belongs in the trash instead.

The “Product Led Growth” crowd doesn’t care about charging based on what things cost. They only care about what the buyer will tolerate. The “value metric” that pisses me off the most is per user pricing when the service doesn’t incur costs per user.

I’m curious about using the same store for passwords and TOTP. Technically if someone gets screwed to your database, they have both your factors, yes? But I guess it does thwart someone trying to brute force your password.