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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Many users don’t log in. After the fall of the 3rd party apps, I only use the rdx webapp if I want to view reddit. I don’t log in with an account at all anymore. So all of my data looks like some anon browsing from the same VPN server as hundreds of other anons. Yes they can analyze all of that traffic and individualize it, but that takes work. I’m glad to make them expend more effort, even if they get the same data in the end. Every step that makes it less cost effective for them is better, even if not perfect.

Which is why good vpns are hosted in countries with extremely high privacy laws. And some can even be bought and used without giving any personal info. And why most vpns are RAM only and literally can’t log any records.

But you knew this before you spouted off, right?

Checked my pixel 6 and it’s on mine. Might not be in the store for everyone, but it’s installed on my owned device.

Yeah, when you say stuff like this, it shows how woefully unprepared you are for the realities of this. You can’t scale, can’t self host for long, don’t see a way to pay for this… When I can already pay Kagi for a fully working, excellent service, why would I choose you? This is guaranteed to crash and burn the moment your ISP tells you you can’t run a commercial grade server through your residential connection. They’ll either cap your bandwidth to unusable levels or disconnect you entirely. If you’re lucky you’ll have 1 or 2 other options to choose from, whom will blacklist you shortly after. Then, after you’re burnt through all the “easy” ways to host, all you’ll be left with is professional grade services that you admit you can’t afford.

Also, you make zero mention of user privacy. So what happens when you get your first subpoena? Or before that, why should I trust you with my data in general? What policies do you have in place to ensure my legal rights are protected? Do you even know what the legal rights are per state/country and how the location of where someone connects from impacts you? How are you gonna handle visitors from the EU with GDPR?

Nifty idea, but way too much “I’m gonna single handedly reinvent the wheel” vibes.

If anything that just makes it easier to map your social circle. Probably even intentional to see who you share links with.

Well, if it’s using WiFi, then anything you do will also kill your WiFi signal. So, bare minimum, no WiFi router, only LAN lines.