Mean leftist who believes in magic genders

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 30, 2023


Do you think I live in America when I say we live in a dictatorship and fuck Charles?

The government is an illegitimate state. We live in a dictatorship on stolen indigenous ground. Fuck Charles and fuck the government.

Actually it’s not the logical conclusion. Reddit’s terms of service violate the GDPR and many other laws. A client can’t sign a contract by logging in to a website, that’s not how contract law works. Legally, these terms of service are utter nonsense. The only reason these companies get away with it is nobody’s sued them yet.

The reason Reddit shouldn’t be selling other people’s pornos is that the users didn’t knowingly consent to being a sex worker. The distinction between free sex (in which I include open distribution of nudes) and sex work (in which I include paid distribution of nudes) is emotionally important. And it’s especially important when someone is being pimped without their knowledge.

If you’re not taking this personally, why all the personal questions about my transit habits and finances? It seems like you’re trying to use me as some kind of gotcha for why you don’t have to introspect. Leave me out of it.

Yeah, you’re taking this way too personally. I’m out here explaining how people can justify doing bad things to themselves, and you’re having a whole identity crisis over whether you’re a bad person about it. Look, your personal difficulties excusing your own actions are none of my business.


Aren’t you taking this all a bit personally? I’m just using your own experiences to explain a situation you find difficult to understand. The douchebags are the same as you. Hope that helps.

Ah, so there we go. You have a perfect set of excuses for your own actions and why they’re someone else’s fault, but you struggle to understand how someone could develop software like this. The answer is: the same way as you. Excuses.

No, many people do sex work on the internet and depend on distribution rights to their own bodies to make an income. I’m not usually a fan of copyright, but I make a big exception for people’s bodies. This also isn’t just a matter of money, it’s a matter of personal dignity and social integrity. Nobody should be coerced into giving up creative rights to their own body. It’s sexual harassment at best. If my nudes are used to train an AI in some way with a profit motive, then I’m engaged in what is essentially prostitution without my own consent.

Feed them to Google’s AI for data. Your boobs will be source material for the next generation of AI porn.

What kind of amoral, selfish monster, would know full well that car emissions are exterminating life as we know it on earth, and still decide to drive a car?

The same kind of monster who develops this technology.

In the 18th century. That’s when capitalism really got rolling and when Adam Smith wrote his crap.

Alternatively: 1493

Fun fact: Reddit is claiming it has full rights to distribute and sell any content posted to Reddit. So if you’ve ever posted to r/gonewild, they’re claiming to have a full licence to do whatever they want with pictures of your naked body.

The jellyfish pee thing is a myth. First aid myths and medical misinformation are topics of political significance in the medical community

That’s because politics is group decision making, and nobody talks about things that don’t require a group decision on some level.

A random rock in a field isn’t political. But a rock that’s fouling the harvester or that’s particularly nice looking is political, because people have to make decisions about it. Even if the decision is just to appreciate its beauty together.

The laws of taxonomy that say birds are dinosaurs are not universal, they were chosen, and are indeed politically divisive.

The cost of medical supplies is political

Human ownership of members of other species is a fundamental assertion with regards to interspecies rights and is political. There are also many other political concerns surrounding pet ownership.

Perry the Platypus is an agent of a government entity and is therefore political

Denying other people’s spiritual beliefs is political

Body image issues and indeed body image apathy are frequently a result of political conditions, particularly with regards to patriarchy

Reinterpretation of culturally significant myths raises important political questions about how different cultures should interact.

Morning alarms are central in the worker’s dilemma of how to structure their life around the demands of capitalism. They are therefore political.

Moana addresses longstanding issues with the problematic trend of Disney musicals being overly European and white. It is therefore political.

Questions of authenticity on the internet are frequently brought into debates of the internet’s effect on people’s social behaviour, and are therefore political.

Names are an essential part of how we build society and are therefore political.

The X Men are an allegory for social rights issues and therefore are political

Making fun of a corporation and denying its right to determine reality in the face of your own perceptions is political.

This is like when online community moderators ban discussion of politics.

Everything is political. If you ban politics, you can take action against anyone

In order to show you proof I would have to help Ada in her attempts at doxxing, but I asked a friend who saw the whole thing to confirm.

The admin of Blahaj is openly interested in exposing trans people’s alt accounts and outing them on their mains. And somehow it’s the biggest trans instance. We need a community and admin reaction in favour of defederating people who do that.