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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


What GitHub script are you referring to? I know of one but I definitely still have a super laggy mo2.

I haven’t even tried with vortex tbh, I didn’t use it even on windows.

Skyrim and Fallout mods work great! The mod organizer I use, MO2, is pretty laggy though. So I imagine it’ll be the same with starfield.

I just connected it to my steam deck and it worked out of the box so idk man, maybe try and use steam.

Maybe Europe will do something but I know damn well the us won’t.

It. Doesn’t. Matter. What. Firefox. Does. What part of google controls 3/4 of the web don’t you understand? If google puts it in Firefox has no choice, do it too or die. 5-10% of browsers not using it will not change anything except to lower that number to less than 1%.

People saying de-google like google isn’t in the position Microsoft was in when they killed Netscape. It’s over y’all, once it’s in chromium it’s the standard, period. The open web is dead.

Edit: ok, be in denial then.