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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 18, 2023


They sell AirTag location data? I honestly find that hard to believe. What’s your source on this other than big tech bad?

They won’t go to jail, period. No company owners never go to jail, kinda ever.

That’s absolutely not true. Sure, there are lots of cases where individuals have limited personal liability under their company, but this doesn’t mean no-one goes to jail for illegal business activity. In fact it happens all the time.

From a privacy POV, sure, not trying to argue that. Just saying that Telegram does have a bunch of features like that that wouldn’t really work if all chats were always E2E encrypted, so there’s a reason that it’s opt-in. Whether it’s a good one or not is up to you to decide for yourself.

Though I definitely think that Telegram could do a much better job explaining the trade-off, especially in a world where many major messengers are always e2e encrypted, and people somewhat expect it to be the default.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but even with double ratchet, retrieving and decrypting the message history is tricky / impossible, no? Afaik signal does allow you to receive new messages on multiple “linked devices”, but a new linked device doesn’t have access to any messaging history.

Tbf not all the chats being E2E encrypted is a UX compromise. It makes Telegram a lot nicer to use across devices and allows just accessing your messages from anywhere without needing your phone to be on. Plus no need to back up chats etc. because they’re all just on the server. As opposed to secret chats, which of course are bound to one particular device and can only be accessed from there.

I’m all for E2E by default but I must say I actually like the idea of having a choice in this particular case.