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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


Been using Proton stuff for years. Some things are super annoying and just don‘t work. Their software engineers are mediocre at best. This made me move everything away from Proton a couple of years ago. Funny enough, all the other privacy focused providers annoyed me even more. So after 1-2 years without Proton, I moved everything back :D

Don‘t expect too much and you will be fine. Simple features you know from other services might be missing. Support is meh, but you rarely have to use it.

In French there is a saying „C‘est le ton qui fait la musique“ - it‘s the tone which makes music. You can say things nicely with empathy, or not.

Thanks for at least trying to make them understand the situation properly. :)

I‘m sorry, but you are not the hero you would like to be. Please don’t lecture others without actually understanding the core issue in the first place.

I think you need to chill - please don‘t be triggered by me having an option to make me feel better at the end of the day.

Instead of assuming, you could also just ask. I am using ChatGPT complementary to a mental health professional. Both help me. ChatGPT is here 24/7 and helps me with difficult situations immediately. The mental health professional is then here to solve the problem in a therapeutic way.

Both help me.

I agree, things that occure the most in the training data set will have the highest weights/probabilities in the Markov chain. So it is useless in finding the one, tiny relation that humans would not see.

I understand the science behind those LLM‘s and yes, for my use cases it has been very useful. I use it to cope with emotional difficulties, depression, anxiety, loss. I know it is not helping me the same as a professional would. But it helps me to just get another perspective on situations, which then helps me to understand myself and others better.

So what alternatives to ChatGPT do exist? I‘m currently a premium ChatGPT user and would like to switch to another service. I don‘t care that super much about privacy, but will obviously not use OpenAI products anymore

But in some cases you don’t want to use arbitrary addresses, but the exact same that was used to send you an e-mail. For me this is necessary and Simplelogin hides my real e-mail address. Additionally, I can with ease deactivate addresses and minimize spam by a lot.

I host my own Simplelogin instance and generate a new address for every service. Combined with Bitwarden, I now have a unique address and password combination for each account.