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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 23, 2024


what the f are you doing that you need to vet this many businesses in such a short time span?

I seriously don’t look at the reviews; I don’t even use google maps because it’s useless to me as a pedestrian.

GoogleMaps reviews are fake in favor of corporations, it’s useless data

Servers aren’t free but it’s damn cheap if you don’t bloat up your backend

It’s also split up into multiple companies under the same matrix umbrella, and some aren’t non-profit but still get a share of the donations sent to the matrix org. It’s shady and Matrix as a whole just gives me a bad taste in my mouth.

You can make logging into websites a one-click process with a KeepassXC and then clear all cookies when the browser closes.

Completely with you, there. If a website makes my life hard, I just find the info elsewhere or live without it.

It will also get you banned from a lot of websites, and I hope you enjoy captchas

I’m experienced…