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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Feb 17, 2024


Thanks for this, I’ve been wondering for a while what was of that investigation.

Don’t watch your weird porn collection on Windows, got it.

They could do that, just release a mini pc with the Deck’s hardware but without the screen and controller. It should be cheaper.

I started using EndeavourOS in 2022 and used it for around a year, then hopped to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed to give something else a try (why is distro hopping enjoyable? it should be a nightmare). After a few months I came back to Endeavour, it feels snappier and has some software I wasn’t able to find so easily on Tubleweed (I think PopcornTime was one of them). I think Endeavour is the best way to experience Arch for the first time if you don’t want too many headaches.