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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Ah, more glue on pizza incoming. Personally I don’t understand taking reddit posts as a source for LLM training. It’s like they never visited reddit and think that all posts/comments are true, or even useful. Depending on the sub, sarcasm can account for anywhere from 5% to 100%.

The day after the 5th of November. Nothing bad ever happens when you suppress the freedom of speech and the right to protest.

Hard to implement, but I would like to have a dead man’s switch that just erased every single trace of me, then post an obituary that says: 404 - person not found.

I’m not disagreeing, but most of the things you list are true for any major internet servive.

First of all, I try to offer her alternative and better ways of doing things. I selfhost a number of services that we both use and she also knows that she can come to me for advice and technical help.

I also got her a hardware key that is used together with a software password manager, to keep her passwords safe.

We also have a rule when it comes to social media. If she wants to post a picture of me, she needs to ask permission first.

Like my Netflix recommendations after I let my partner roam free. Man those were some schizofrephic recommendations.

Pretty sure they’re being backed by major corporations already. Ireland are hosting data for some companies that definitely would be interested in delaying and making any GDPR proceedings more difficult.