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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


This isn’t unlock as in PIN unlock. This is a carrier unlock so you can use it on any network.

I understand your frustration, but what they did isn’t evidence of a dystopian situation IMO. I wouldn’t expect a carrier to unlock a phone I didn’t buy from them, and as far as I know it’s always been this way. This also isn’t forced arbitration.

Getting a second hand phone that’s carrier locked doesn’t make sense to me. The original owner didn’t unlock it? Usually phones are carrier locked because you’re financing the phone through the carrier, but that wouldn’t apply to a used phone.

Sounds like you encountered an anti theft process. What would keep people from just taking a stolen phone to t-mo to have them unlock it without this? Sure you could give them a receipt or print out the eBay listing etc. but those are easily faked. Nothing seems out of the ordinary with regards to what T-mobile did to me. You need to make sure the phone is unlocked before you buy it. It’s been this way since I was selling phones at RadioShack in 2006.

There isn’t a good app ecosystem for arm on osx either? What’s your point?

Did you forget what you said? This is what I’m responding to.

macOS (not osX for many years now) has a healthy app ecosystem, unlike windows for ARM.

And you can load Linux and Windows on all Mac’s.

just install windows

My point is “install Windows” isn’t a valid option for anyone with an ARM Mac, so suggesting it is silly. Mac hasn’t made an x86 computer in a couple years.

Exclusivity isn’t the point. A healthy app ecosystem is what we’re discussing, which ARM on Mac has. It wasn’t great for 6 months or so, but it’s quite good now.

You’re incorrect. Tons of apps are native ARM on Mac now, also rosetta2 emulation is really fast. Obviously not as fast as native ARM but it surprised me.

Can’t do that on ARM. Windows on ARM sucks and there isn’t a good app ecosystem.

Not sure if it’s the archive link or what, but there’s nothing to that article but a paragraph and a ton of ads.

NextDNS, been using it for a year and a half now. I like the ease of use and privacy/ad block filter options.

I currently use NextDNS, it’s cheap and works great. You can basically set it up like a pihole, so I have ad/tracker blocking across all my devices and anything on LAN.

Makes me cringe thinking of all those years I was using Google DNS, back when I believed that “don’t be evil” shit

Not in my experience, and they’ve improved the error correction / prediction logic quite a bit with iOS 17.

Why don’t you just respond why you think Signal is a better choice? Comments here won’t help regular people get with encryption.

I also don’t see how this relates to anything specific to gen z as I see the exact same behavior in my gen x / millenial peers.

Every TV is a dumb TV when they’re not connected to the internet, no?

That’s fine, they’ll lose my traffic.

So many people are acting like they have no choice, like you absolutely have to have everything that everyone else has. You’re obligated to use such and such platform.

Try suffering for what you believe in over convenience for a bit. Things might just change if you give up some things because they’re shit

I’ve been de-Googled for 6 months now and the internet works just fine on Firefox and Safari. No significant differences.