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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


What legitimacy does the U.S. government even have anymore in light of not only this, but everything that they’ve done in the 21st century? Why do we keep listening to them? Why don’t we build our own networks and design our own chips?

That really is the solution. We desperately need to make our own websites again and boycott the shitty corporate controlled ones. If we can replace Reddit with Lemmy, we can replace every other piece of shit site or app they come up with too.

🤔 People could just make a new protocol and build a separate internet from the ground up.

But they’d have to do it on free Linux computers, because the ones with Windows and Mac OSes (and the specially made chips) can be accessed directly by those companies. In principle, they can see into everyone’s hard drives and add or delete shit to their whims. So a way around that would have to be found too. Scary…