Nerd, professional solver of imaginary problems

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Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Run this command to see what version of the vulkan API you’re on: vulkaninfo | head -n 5

Proton 8 requires vulkan 1.3 compatibility. I’m guessing the drivers you’re using (or maybe the drivers nvidia has published?) don’t have support for it.

Wireless printers didn’t exist when this game came out. Network printers weren’t really a thing in homes. I wonder if it’s trying to probe the printer for some details, like margins or paper size, and crashes due to latency.

Edit: Have you tried removing/renaming the wineps.drv file in this bottle?

I haven’t done extensive testing on this as I’m just some dude. It’s been a long time since I’ve had windows running on anything, but the three that I remember are:

  • Fallout 76 - frame rate was about the same iirc. But way better input response and it didn’t crash in Linux like it did in Windows. Unsure if there were driver issues in Windows or what.
  • Borderlands 3 had a better frame rate and more stable frame pacing. But at the cost of increased loading screen time.
  • Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion, probably a CPU bound issue with all the individual units flying around. But it ran way smoother on Linux for me than Windows, no juttering when zooming around the map or when a buttload of carriers show up.

This is probably more common than you’d think, at least in my anecdotal experience. Converting directx commands to vulkan commands, especially for AMD GPUs, can result in better and more consistent performance on Linux.

If your integrated graphics is on the motherboard and not the CPU, you’re having a bad time in 2023.

For most “enthusiast” boards, you can update the uefi/bios without an OS. I’ve even seen some that will do it without needing to use the CPU, so that you can update to support a newer (currently unsupported) processor.

I’d suggest Intel for networking and an AMD graphics card if you want things to work out if the box.

The is a setting in steam to allow that to happen in the background.

Hah, well I’m also running pop_os so maybe that’s why I’ve never experienced it. Maybe it’s a kernel or firmware issue.

I haven’t had this issue in Linux with my g703 or g903 using my powerplay mousepad. I’ve had it for a few years at least, and used it on 3 different machines.

Have you tested it on another machine yet? Are you connected directly to it or through a hub?

That game requires a discrete GPU (gtx970 minimum). No way it’s gonna work on your SBC.

Ok so that kernel is new enough to know what to do with that hardware. I’m not an arch user so I’m of limited help here. But have you installed the mesa-firmware and Linux-firmware packages? Maybe walk through this guide if you haven’t already.

Which CPU? Which GPU? What kernel are you on? Which distro are you running?