• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 09, 2023


Yup. I’ve had the same issue with invidious. Hope it’ll get fixed soon. Freetube works for now.

Interestingly enough I tried whatismyip on both my main and secondary profile and they both showed the same IP and location

I’ve only got about a month left that I have to use it. Would prefer to use a separate profile as opposed to a web browser so I wouldn’t have to sign in all of the time + get flagged as a bot because of my VPN. I have tried webapp sandboxing but it hardly worked and broke most things.

GrapheneOS questions/help
As per my previous post regarding Instagram, it was suggested to me to add it to a separate profile on grapheneOS. I have a couple of questions about it: 1.) Does the VPN on my main profile apply to my secondary profile 2.) Do I even need a VPN on my second profile if the only thing on it is Instagram and most permissions are off 3.) Is there a way to transfer selected images/files to the secondary profile Any other tips for limiting Instagram's tracking are welcome as well. EXCEPT for "Instagram bad get rid of it." I am already aware of that.

I have an old-ish dumb TV. Just look around on something like Craigslist and you’ve got a good chance of finding one

I have heard mixed things about instander

I have gotten some people on signal but I will have to wait to try and get more on it. I’ve also heard that there’s privacy issues with signal but even if the allegations are true it’s a big step up from Instagram. I’m hoping to mainly use signal and my self-hosted matrix server in the future.

None of my matrix friends are on Instagram and vice versa

People are important. It’s necessary for mental health to balance privacy and being able to have a life.

I see what you’re saying now. In settings it only has network and photo permissions (with photos being limited access). Is there a way it can get that permission outside of the permissions list in settings?

I might just have to do this, although having a VPN and accessing it on desktop might flag my account and/or lock it. Would having Instagram on my old phone and taking it off my current one help?

Facebook is pretty strict with their account creation stuff compared to Instagram. On Instagram it’s easy to make a bunch of alts and keep them. I tried to make an account on Facebook to access marketplace a long time ago and it got banned and they wanted my real name and ID to access the account.

I’m planning on self hosting a matrix server in the future, but it’ll be a couple of months before I can sit down and work on that.

Unfortunately I do have WhatsApp and I absolutely cannot get rid of that unless I cut off all my older family members who don’t know how to use anything else (which I don’t wanna do). I’m gonna put Instagram on a separate profile like you recommended, but can’t for WhatsApp because that’ll mean I can’t pick up calls and the likes. I do have molly and quite like it, but only have a couple of friends on it that I’ve managed to convince to switch. I hope to get more on there from Instagram in the future, but will have to wait for when I am better friends with those people and less of a weird acquaintance.

The only place I get any ads nowadays is on Instagram, but I’m assuming that after I am rid of that they’ll still have a shadow profile on me in the background.

Also, another question: what is the network permission on graphene OS? I haven’t been able to find a clear answer about it on the net.


Wait, really? Can I log in with my Instagram account onto it? If so that’s great news because the main reason I’m keeping it right now is the chat, but sometimes get sucked into the content vortex.

Dude, you don’t know anything of my situation. Why are you being so judgmental when I just asked a question. I’m not asking for lectures like this, which is why I made extra sure to clarify that I already know that Instagram is bad and I have to use it for a set amount of time.

It’s more likely than not that, but I would like to err on the side of caution and figure out a way to fix it just in case my suspicion is true.

All I’m using is the default graphene keyboard

How is instagram spying on me?
I want to preface this by saying that yes, I know that Instagram is bad. I am planning to get rid of it in the future but as of now I have to keep it for communication with people who are only on that platform. So I have grapheneOS, use protonvpn (free version), use mull as my browser, and do not have google play services enabled on my phone. I do have some apps downloaded through aurora store such as Instagram, whatsapp, mychart, and mint mobile, but the rest came from f-droid. I have noticed multiple times that after having private conversations on matrix, I get Instagram content in my feed that is scarily accurate to the conversation I had on the other platform immediately after. I know that things discussed in Instagram direct messages and group chat will give suggested content based on those conversations, but I get stuff that that is very specific to what I have ONLY discussed on matrix and didn't look up via my browser. So my question is how is Instagram doing this and what can I do to mitigate the spying it's doing on my other apps. Thanks.