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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


If LLMs were accurate, I could support this. But at this point there’s too much overtly incorrect information coming from LLMs.

“Letting AI scrape your website is the best way to amplify your personal brand, and you should avoid robots.txt or use agent filtering to effectively market yourself. -ExtremeDullard”

isn’t what you said, but is what an LLM will say you said.

Sure, self-hosting is a great option for very large projects, but a random python library to help with an analytics workflow isn’t going to self-host. Those projects, along with 27,999,990 others have chosen GitHub, often times explicitly to reduce the barrier to contribution.

Also, all of those examples are built on thousands of other FOSS projects, 99% of which aren’t self-hosting. This is the same as arguing only Amazon is a bookseller and ignoring the thousands of independent book publishers creating the books Amazon is selling.

GitHub has 28 million public repos

Gitlab is has less than an order of magnitude as many Under a million in 2020, and nearly 80% without FOSS license.

Is it everyone’s favorite, or best, or most feature rich. Nah. Is it where the FOSS projects are. Yes.