I’m on fosstodon

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


The moment they cut the cord on SmartTube (Android TV), I’ll block youtube on my local DNS. Fuck them!

the default service is not FOSS

You mean server? If so, the server is also open source (, but the default instance ( is not totaly free - you have to have a payed subscription for some of the features. If you self-host, then you have all the features (free and/or premium) - and this can also be done with Vaultwarden which is a FOSS alternative to the official server.

Don’t be so sure! For a few percents off the price some greedy executives would give anything to Microsoft (and/or others).

You could have asked me for one. I’d send you one for free. 😎

You don’t have 100% privacy as long as you send mails to people and services that don’t support proton’s encryption. If I wasn’t privacy I can always use gpg.

I’ve done this. Didn’t help. I’m in a Samsung S20+ and checked with my wife’s pixel too and still have problems.

I get notifications some times, but mostly I get them at totally random times. It’s very annoying.

Yes, and both have proprietary clients. I have proton and I’m in the process to moving away mainly because I can’t use their calendar and contacts natively in Android. Not sure about Tuta, but I never liked them.

have you tried nekogram?

Notesnook is open source and you can check (if you have the knowledge) if there are any issues. They’re working on making the server self-hostable (also fully open source) so there’s that.

[1] siyuan is markdown too but but it’s stored in a database, not your filesystem.

This is a hard pass for me, then. At the moment I’m using Silverbullet, which uses plain markdown files which I can also edit with my preffered editor in CLI.

It really looks too good to be true, but I think I’ll give it a try these days.

Even if they do, I would run away from any service/app that would open to them. And so should everyone!

I haven’t had battery usage issues with it for years! Just checked now and it’s below 0.4% - it doesn’t even show up in the main app list in the battery settings.

No. That doesn’t eliminate the need to use a phone number! It’s just ‘hidden’.

XMPP is an old protocol. GTalk (google talk) and Whatsapp used it, then extended it, then didn’t give back to the community. So here we are…

The problem with alternative protocols and apps and whatnot is that people are reluctant to change and won’t try anything new if only 2-3 other people use that protocol/service. I can’t even convince my best friends to use Signal, let alone XMPP.

fuck github. use a different git site, there are plenty!

You could have explained this in the post description, so people would think about it for a minute.

I took a look. It ate my battery three times faster than Whatsapp, Teman Telegram and Signal cumulated.

I don’t work for Proton, but I don’t think you looked for the required info: you can set up OpenVPN or wireguard without using NetworkManager or the ProtonVPN application:

But all other criticisms stand. I’m using Protonmail at the moment and I hate that they don’t have native integration of contacts/calendar for Android. I think I’ll move out next year, when my subscription expires.

I thought that you only were ignorant, but no, you’re more than that!

OK… challenge accepted. Maybe you don’t know about systemd user services.

Content of

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Writing the service unit file"

cat > ~/.config/systemd/user/my_test_service.service << EOF
Description=Script Daemon For Test User Services



echo "Reloading systemd for the user"
systemctl --user daemon-reload || exit 1

echo "Enabling and starting the service"
systemctl --user enable --now my_test_service.service

Content of

$ cat ~/bin/
#!/usr/bin/env bash

while true
    echo "User $me at $now"
    sleep 10

Now run the script ( and check service status after that:

$ ./
Writing the service unit file
Reloading systemd for the user
Enabling and starting the service
$ systemctl --user status my_test_service.service
● my_test_service.service - Script Daemon For Test User Services
     Loaded: loaded (/home/user/.config/systemd/user/my_test_service.service; enabled; vendor preset: ena>
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-10-19 12:15:21 EEST; 6s ago
   Main PID: 1666383 (
      Tasks: 2 (limit: 18757)
     Memory: 556.0K
        CPU: 4ms
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/my_test_service.service
             ├─1666383 /bin/bash /home/user/bin/
             └─1666387 sleep 10

Oct 19 12:15:21 tesla systemd[1866318]: Started Script Daemon For Test User Services

Huh? Any script can create a service, enable it and then start it. What would make you think the brave package (or just the application itself) can’t do this?

Louis says somewhere in a comment on the presentation video that they won’t have (at least for the time being) an iOS app because Apple wouldn’t allow it in the Store, so there’s that.

it’s on their site when you click download … or go to the bottom of the page.

This is total bullshit. You should start at the fact that Discord is owned by a chinese company. Then discuss everything else. To me Discord looks and acts like a spoiled child: too many things going on, too many flashy stuff, too manny obnoxious “features”.

You must be a monster. To me it’s very chaotic and hass too many shit going on.

Google results

which these days are very very bad! especially if you search something tech/programming related.

I did this a few years ago. I set my status message to “Starting on [date] I’ll be available only on Signal/sms.” and that was it. A few frieds/family members moved, most of them not, but I don’t miss it a bit.

I think you have a wrong understanding of software auditing. Software can be closed source and 3rd party auditors can assess if it has good privacy and security implementations.

Being closed source doesn’t necesarily mean it’s bad (for privacy/security).

Apple are operating in China by caving in to the government. I don’t think they’ll be more radical with the UK.