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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


in the case of technology (specifically anything cloud based * ) – if you have your needs split across multiple services, if one of them goes down / gets hacked / goes belly up, you only lose access to what was stored on that service – if everything is on one service, then you lose access to everything

* the cloud is just someone else’s computer

  • “You called for an exorcism? What’s the nature of your haunting? Are they throwing stuff around?”
  • “You said they’re blipping?”

standard is treat them the same way you used to treat Netflix logins – one club card number gets shared among family and friends

EDIT: no one ever used their own Netflix login and no one ever uses their own club card number

Please fill out this Cambridge Analytica form to express your doubt.

when the punishment is less than the profit, there’s no incentive not to deceive …

network effect – easy when it’s just you – but then you need to convince all your friends and family to switch over as well – and they’re not interested because it would mean convincing all their friends and family too … best you can hope for is a trust thermocline, a catastrophic event that’s more likely to leave millions of Facebook users floundering in anger than in curiosity at alternatives …

just because you’re not using their service doesn’t mean they aren’t using your shadow profile

a service that started out as a way to stalk girls turned out so bad? who knew?

shouldn’t that category be “SearXNG” instead of “SearX”? – SearX went into maintenance mode a year ago and then archived their code last week – searx.space isn’t even bothering to list SearX instances anymore