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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Fastmail is great but it’s a totally different market /use case, you wouldn’t go with them if you’re privacy oriented. They’re better than Google in that sense but you’d go with Proton if you’re looking for privacy features.

Also keep in mind Fastmail is based in Australia and their government tends to be anti-privacy with the laws that get passed there.

Just to be sure, did you download some strange version of the .iso from some non-official source? Or did you modify your Windows install in some way?

And you’re definitely selecting to install Windows 10 Pro, not something else?

I assumed you downloaded the generic .iso direct from Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 like most people do. (you can use the browser trick to get the page to give you .iso download options e.g. in Chrome I just hit F12, set the dimensions to something mobile looking, hit F5 to refresh the page, then go ahead & download the .iso)

The generic .iso is indeed a multi with the download option named “Windows 10 (multi-edition ISO)”, that itself doesn’t affect any of the steps above.

Then just use Rufus or similar to create a bootable USB with it.

LOL I didn’t know that works too, good to know :D

Technically you can just click “Domain join instead” to go into the local account creation.

You just need to select to “Domain join instead”, there is no need to actually go & set up an actual domain. See my other comment.

Hmm on the last few installs I’ve done (both Win 10 and 11) I just lead the installation to believe I’ll be doing a corporate/domain install & it always lets me create a normal user/password after that. Not necessary to unplug any ethernet/internet or anything of the sort.

It’s always worked for me both at work and at home.

Just to be sure, I spun up a virtual machine to install Windows 10 22H2, here are the steps I went through:

  1. Boot into the Windows 10 installer, jump into the installer & run through all the initial install steps until we get to the OOBE (Windows 10 out-of-box-experience post installer)
  2. Select your Region, click Yes
  3. Select your Keyboard Layout, click Yes
  4. Skip Second Keyboard Layout (unless you want one)
  5. Let it keep going, it might restart (mine did)
  6. At the Account screen select Set Up For An Organization then click Next
  7. At the “Sign In With Microsoft” screen select “Domain join instead”
  8. At the “What name do you want to use?” screen enter your new Windows user account name and click Next
  9. At the Password screen enter a password for your Windows user account and click Next
  10. Re-enter your password and click Next
  11. Set up a security question/answer - Or do like I do & fake them all e.g. select a security question then enter random gibberish alphanumeric text - and click Next
  12. (do the same for all 3 security questions)
  13. Select your Privacy settings then click Accept
  14. Accept or skip any customizations you want (I usually Skip)
  15. For Cortana you can click “Not Now” or “Accept” up to you

Done! You now installed Windows 10 Pro without a Microsoft Account.