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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


That’s not true. The way their streaming works is basically a Playlist of shorter fragments. They can easily insert their own fragments without obvious visual tells if they don’t alter other elements of the page to indicate that an ad is playing.

All this really demonstrates is the dangers of drawing conclusions when you don’t really have the skills to properly assess the information presented to you.

Not really it seems. Steam has raised it to the MAX_INT - 5, Fedora originally planned to do so to but held off after concerns from engineers that it could lead to situations where having too much mapped would lead to the kernel killing other processes to solve OOM situations so they settled on the number that has now also been adapted by Arch. At least, according to another Phoronix article.

As much as people like to delve into conspiratorial gossiping, making swooping statements about how Google and Amazon work together, there’s often much simpler and more reasonable explanations.

For one, you are one of billions of people browsing both these sites today, it’s bound to happen to some of you.

But what prompted you to look up the horses stuff? Sometimes it’s an article, a social media post (reddit and Lemmy count), a radio segment, etc. That often leads a group of people to look up the same stuff en-masse.

Its also possible that you’ve visited other sites about horses that have put you in that cohort, where manufacturers have placed their own tracking pixels whose info they can supply to Amazon for targeting.

The reason why a Google / Amazon collaboration seems so unlikely is that they are competing. Not just at large, but in this specific case. Those recommendations you see on Amazon are ads too. People pay for them, and use specific targeting rules to find people to click on them. This is what both Amazon and Google sell, access to specific eyeballs (eg. males in their late 30’s who have once shown interest in motorsports). This is their secret sauce. They’d be crazy to allow that information to flow to a competitor with their own ad platform.

I know this goes against the grain here, so feel free to downvote, but keep in mind that conjecture and wildly inaccurate gossip about what these giant companies do often muddies the waters and makes it much harder to attack them on the shady and downright evil stuff that they do do.

I’d never get into the Brave ecosystem. Have been trialing Kagi, it’s been doing on par with Google thus far but I haven’t trialed it hard.