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Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


I don’t think very highly of a cloud based app asking me for my credentials for every other cloud based app I used.

Wasn’t intending to invalidate OP wanting privacy, I just don’t think that removing the antenna will do what they want.

Your argument is purposefully obtuse tho, lol. Underwear tracking… lol.

Honestly, I’m not sure how much you will achieve by removing the antenna. Especially when you use a cell phone and computer. What is it about car manufacturers that you are trying to hide from?

Many modern cars do have their own gps or cellular network for things like remote access/control. Some higher end cars also phone home with maintenance information that can help service managers and techs preemptively reach out for services. The only possible way to avoid that would be to stick to lower trim budget brands/models, but even then it’s hard for to avoid entirely.