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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: May 02, 2024


I like stellaris a lot except no matter what I do what I try, it is always a mad expansion dash all the time. The AI is relentless at expansion. So the game is just 70% me constantly expanding and exploring. It doesn’t allow for a lot of experimentation lol

Why is that? Genuinely asking, you clearly know more about this than I do.

That’s a good point - voting for it!

For my purposes I have a second proton email for things I may want to keep credentials for which I filter out, and the simple logins are almost always complete burners so I end up deleting half of them anyway. The moment I start getting unwanted spam I touch the simple login accounts and start making new ones.

As someone with many hobbies I get things from all sorts of sites so it’s just kind of necessary if I don’t want to drown in spam lol

I’ve got the unlimited plan and it’s well worth the money. Simplelogin integration is great.

No, you naysayed protests and then just left it at that. You never said they’re still worth doing, you never provided an alternative, you just said functionally said “it’s pointless“ by rattling off how they hit a wall and then expected me to not take it that way. Bizarre.

We are just going in circles. If you meant something else you’ve had plenty of opportunity to explain yourself. But you continue not to. So until you clarify your stance, I’m going to take the thing you originally said as written. I’m not getting bogged down in “that’s not what I said but I’m not going to say what I meant and keep it as opaque as possible.” Say what you mean or just drop it.

You said protests lead to a brick wall dude. I don’t know what to tell you. What’s the point of that comment if not to discourage public protests?

You’re still dodging responding directly here but ok.

Ok…so I don’t get your point then. Your previous comment heavily implied it’s all pointless.

So don’t ever get active or protest or do anything?

Large petitions also serve as a way of getting the word out.

Don’t do that it’s annoying. If someone doesn’t want to write out curse words, more power to them. It doesn’t inconvenience you in the slightest. It’s just a patronizing comment that has been made into a meme.

Problem is it isn’t gone and it’s still helping foment huge political/social issues in the US. It impacts us whether we want it to or not.

Doesn’t mean I use it. I don’t. But it negatively impacts my life all the same.

What info do you need from Twitter you can’t get elsewhere unless you’re a journalist? Genuine question this isn’t bait lol