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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2024


Exactly. Microsoft never does anything that isn’t in their own financial interest.

Even if other people benefit from it, it really is all about ensuring that they have profit growth year after year.

So I can’t trust anything that they ever do and nobody else who cares about freedom in technology should either.

Another option would be one of the t95 Android boxes. There are some really great tutorials on how to replace their stock firmware with a Linux and get all of the activity and availability that you would typically need as a media box out of them for just you know $25 and 3 to 8 hours of your time depending on how tech savvy you are and what your luck of the draw is.

Cheapest TV you can find that has the specs that you are interested in combined with a $50 pawn shop laptop and an inexpensive wireless keyboard and mouse.

Linux is optional but highly encouraged.

Connect that to a USB dac which is then piped into an amplifier for 2.0 sound.

I could probably rig up a subwoofer for a little extra oomph but none of the amplifiers I found at the thrift store have a way to turn off a powered amp or power an unpowered one.

I never said that it was free storage. I said that it could be a solution to the video storage issue

I mean, if a million people each offered 100 GB of storage, you could store an awful lot of video.

The biggest issue I’ve always heard people say when it comes to replacing a video hosting service like YouTube is needing storage space and bandwidth.

I feel like ipfs, the interplanetary file system, could be leveraged to do this but it would require a concerted effort to make a fast, stable, reliable, and federated YouTube replacement, and I imagine that we would need people to financially support it.