  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 19, 2023


No idea about why, and I’m pretty sure GrapheneOS is AOSP. I guess I’ll have to bring this up in one of their official spaces

Seen this comment several times and since you’re OP and can get more eyes on you than my random comment: P6 paid for in full, installed GrapheneOS with no gApps and no Work Profile and I still have that app

OK, this mostly worked. I had to point the new Lutris install to the games’ directories and playtime didn’t carry over, but the Flatpak version allows you to input it manually, so no issues here. Also lost GOG login token and some other configs but nothing too bad. Thanks again for the help!

Actually, now that I uninstalled the .deb, I have no Lutris icon in the app list. How to fix it? Edit: nvm reboot fixed it

A foolproof way to migrate Lutris install from the .deb package to flatpak, without losing ANY confi
When I first installed Lutris I was just starting with Linux, so I went with the .deb since pop shop showed me that first... now I have several games and hundreds of hours of playtime and I'd rather keep everything (both playtime and Wine configurations... prefixes and all) as is but also move to flatpak since updating via flatpak is easier (just update through pop shop). Besides, I'd love to know how to backup everything in case something goes wrong, since I like keeping track of play time but apparently there's not an easy way to manually edit it for each game? If there was I'd just make a fresh install and then edit it myself Any suggestions? Thanks!

That’s reassuring, for the stable release I mean!

At the moment I don’t really feel the need to update it, I’ll just wait for a bit longer. Thanks though!

Very nice, thanks for the good news! I’ll wait patiently for it to release

They actually kept developing it, with the last release in August 2022, and, even though those releases were tagged as Alpha, I’ve only had some (not more than a couple times a year) freezes with crash of the launcher since. Tested on two different phones with two different ROMs

I don’t know if there’s still someone developing it, but until something else just as good (for me) pops up, I’m sticking to Lawnchair


I feel like they won’t ever ban them because that way they can keep fining them

Oh, nice, thanks for the tip! I’ll try to do that later and see if that works! Appreciated

I guess, yeah, since I did try looking for it and that nVidia x was all I could find mentioned online!

Thanks, I’ll look into it! I think I tried looking through the settings but didn’t find anything, guess I’ll double check! Hopefully I can find it and it sticks with fullscreen applications because I’m having this issue in-game, where the nights in Win look dark, while in POP! look almost like day

Not exactly gaming, but related: nVidia control panel replacement?
nVidia graphics card and PoP! OS. My monitor has very inaccurate colors and I mitigate that on Windows with custom color profile + nVidia control panel tweaks to get better colors, gamma etc.; on PoP! I imported a custom color profile, but there's only an nVidia X something and it doesn't allow to change everything that I can change with control panel on Win. What's a good substitute? I only need the color management from nVidia's control panel (so RGB saturation, gamma and contrast), like in this picture https://www.profesionalreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Panel-de-Control-Nvidia-21-1024x672.jpg Thanks in advance

Thanks for the tip, I’ll keep it in mind for other games as the one I’m currently playing has a dedicated folder for mods in its own folder so I don’t think I need to do as you did. I’ll have to look into how to do that in case I need to in future. Thanks!

I now know! Since I couldn’t see the Linux drive via Win I assumed it was the same the other way around

Once I finally start to main Linux, I plan on organizing my drives better, especially for the shared drive!


Don’t worry about it, thanks!

Alright, sounds easy enough overall, I’ll try later! Thanks again for the help

Mhm, no idea to be honest if the mods I have do some “hacking” to work. Most of then were a simple drag and drop into the gane folder, although some of them are scripted mods which I don’t really know what it means lol thanks for the help, I’ll try later and keep my fingers crossed

mods are compatible with proton

Mhm, what kind of mods aren’t compatible? Some of the ones I have are scripted mods, no idea what kind of scripts though lol

I’ll try running it later and hope those work too.


Game is The Witcher 3, according to ProtonDB people play it through Proton so I guess it doesn’t run natively on Linux

Great, glad to hear that a simple overwrite should be enough! Gonna need some time to download it again on Linux, but I’ll try that later!

access windows drive through linux

Even better, so I can skip moving to the external drive!

Thanks for the help

That’s some great news! I’ll try later and report back.

I’ll keep the game on the Win drive as a backup, not taking any chances lol

Thanks for the help!

Any chance to move over a game with its mods from Windows drive to Linux drive?
Might be a stupid question, but bear with me, I just started the transition to Linux! I've been playing a game on Steam for some time now, and modding it was a huge hassle (not modding it per se, but rather make every mod work together, incompatibilities, merging, etc., you know the drill), so I'd rather NOT do that again from scratch (especially because the mod organizer tool I used is only for Windows, unless I can run that through Proton?); on the other hand, if I wait until I beat the game, it's going to delay the move to Linux a lot, months. I think most of the files needed to run the modded game lie in the game folder, some user settings needed for the mods to work correctly are in the game's Documents folder; would I be able to just crudely copy-paste these two folders from Win to Linux? If yes, I guess I have to use an external drive to do so, since I can't access each other OS's partitions while I'm on one or the other, correct? If you need more info feel free to ask; as I said I just started moving to Linix so I probably forgot important info! Thanks in advance edit: don't know if websearches return Lemmy threads, but just in case: I installed the game via Steam on Linux and launched it once through Proton. After that, I just copy-pasted the folders that cointan mods from the Windows drive to the Linux drive and then the game's document folder as well (although this one doesn't go into the Linux's Documents folder, rather in a Documents folder inside the Steam directory of the game). Game boots with no script compiling errors (meaning everything went well with the simple copy-paste). Haven't played yet apart from a quick load to confirm that mods were working, but usually if the game starts there won't be problems down the line! Guess I can start booting Linux instead of Win for the most part! Thanks everyone for the help!

That sounds like a slippery slope. Your argument could be used each time a different device adds tracking until you’re saying “why disable your underwear tracking device, when you already use a phone and a car?”.

Plus, if you care about privacy, you can always use a Linux PC 99% of the time and a de-googled Android 99% of the time.

MORE data collection is never good, wanted or needed.

In a recent e-mail they mentioned an open Linux dev position, so hopefully the Linux client will catch up soon enough!